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Ratti Group | Sustainability Report 2022

                               tolerated and selection is based exclusively on   7.3
                               merit and the equitable treatment of candidates.
                               Particular attention is given to the practicalities   Managing risks to include
                               of verification and hiring with regard to minors   sustainability
                               (see Chapter 3 paragraph 3.4 “The welfare of our
                               employees” and, in particular, the sub-paragraph
                               “Safeguarding human rights”).            The internal control and risk management
                               The Group pays attention to the fundamental   Ratti SpA BC has an internal control and risk
                               rights of its workers, adopting measures to   management system (ICRMS) which complies
                               prevent and fight against forced/compulsory   with the Code of Corporate Governance, to which
                               labour, including along its supply chain. Ratti SpA   it adheres voluntarily. The ICRMS focuses on the
                               BC has signed a number of specific agreements   Ratti Group, although its activities also relate to the
                               with suppliers who operate in countries at risk.   subsidiaries. Ratti SpA BC’s ICRMS is represented
        The Group              The objective is to avoid purchasing products   by the sum total of the rules, procedures and
                                                                        organisational structures whose purpose
        pays attention         coming from areas that run the risk of non-  is to allow the identification, measurement,
                               compliance with human rights (see Chapter  5,
        to the                 paragraph 5.4 “A virtuous circle of good practices”).  management and monitoring of the principal risks,
        fundamental                                                     including those relating to sustainability.
        rights of its          With regard to social themes, for the Group   The BoD is responsible for the ICRMS and, assisted
                               managing the health and safety of consumers
        workers,               is important. This aspect is linked to the quality   by the Risks Control Committee, defines guidelines
        adopting               of the product and the possible negative impact   and periodically checks that the main corporate
                                                                        risks have been identified, measured, managed
        measures to            of the use of chemical substances related to the   and monitored in an adequate and proper manner.
                               production processes.
        prevent and            Both Ratti SpA BC and Textrom monitor the   A meeting of the BoD is convened annually to
        fight against          chemical substances used to guarantee    analyse the trend for the main corporate risks
                                                                        and to evaluate their impact on the Company’s
        forced/                compliance with the prevailing legislation and   strategy and performance.
                               the customers’ specific requests, as stipulated in
        compulsory             the product certifications obtained by Ratti SpA
        labour,                BC (see Chapter 4, paragraph 4.3 “A commitment   The CEO has the task of ensuring that the main
                                                                        corporate risks are identified, submitting these
        including along        anchored in the most advanced Standards”). The   periodically to the BoD, and implementing the
                               same attention is requested of suppliers, e.g. the
        its supply             request to comply with the Reach Regulation   BoD’s strategy through the ICRMS’ planning,
        chain.                 and Scheda24 For Textile.                management and monitoring.
                                                                        Ratti SpA BC has also established an Internal
                               The same attention is requested of suppliers, e.g.   Audit department, which supports the BoD,
                               the request to comply with the Reach Regulation   the CEO, the Risks Control Committee and the
                               and Scheda24 For Textile. In this way, Ratti SpA   management in carrying out their respective
                               BC ensures that products are manufactured in   tasks in relation to the ICRMS. Other control
                               compliance with the European regulations and   bodies include the Supervisory Body, the Board of
                               voluntary protocols safeguarding consumers.   Statutory Auditors, the Manager Responsible and
                                                                        the Group Ethics Committee.
                               With regard to corruption, Ratti SpA BC follows
                               Model 231/01, updated to November 2018 (a   To maximise the efficiency of the ICRMS and
                               further update is planned) and integrated with   coordinate the activities of those involved
                               the Whistleblowing Policy. As requested by   Ratti SpA BC, in compliance with the Code of
                               the Model, a Supervisory Body is also present.   Corporate Governance, has specifically separated
                               For the Group’s other companies, the main   control activities and has implemented various
                               monitoring methods are the Group’s Code of   organisational practices, such as annual board
                               Ethics and the Group’s Ethics Committee, whose   meetings, regular reporting to the BoD, the
                               purpose is to receive and manage any reports   participation of the relevant parties in meetings of
                               of violations, including those relating to conduct   the Control Committee, and the implementation
                               that could violate the provisions of the Code   and maintenance of the management systems.
                               of Ethics. In order to improve anti-corruption
                               monitoring, the drafting of the Group’s anti-
                               corruption policy is scheduled for the first half of   The prevention of corruption
                               2023.                                    The regulations with regard to non-financial

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