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Ratti Group | Sustainability Report 2022
The anti-corruption training and the limitation of companies. The Group’s assessment was that
the use of cash in commercial transactions and risks of this type were not significant for Ratti
even then only in the presence of contractual USA and Ratti International Trading (Shanghai),
agreements between the parties are the main given the dimension and nature of their activities.
protection against corruption. These processes are The analysis is carried out annually, on the basis
subject to checks carried out by Internal Audit. of knowledge of processes, of any measures
taken to reduce risks, of any verifications carried
In 2023 training will involve – in addition to new out, of reports received and any evidence which
hires – senior management, executives and middle emerged during ordinary activities, as well as
managers. It will focus in particular on the update on updates relating to regulations in the area of
to the Organisation, Management and Control sustainability reporting.
Model 231/01, the Code of Ethics and the approval
of the anti-corruption policy. The materiality process has made it possible to
integrate the analysis of risks with an analysis of
opportunities, thereby also identifying significant
The management of sustainability risks positive effects for the Ratti Group and its
and the impacts associated with these stakeholders.
The Ratti Group has an appropriate process for
The Ratti analysing the risks associated with the issues There now follows a short description of the
Group has an mentioned in Legislative Decree 254/2016. positive impacts, the negative impacts and the
Responsibility for identifying and evaluating
risks associated with them, and the positive
appropriate sustainability risks lies with the CEO of Ratti SpA steps taken by the Ratti Group to reinforce the
process for BC, assisted by a team consisting of the heads positive impacts and reduce or mitigate the
analysing of the Financial Administration and Control and negative impacts (for a detailed description
Internal Audit functions.
of the materiality process see the section
the risks “Methodological note” in this document).
associated The list and the description of the risks have as
with the issues their starting point the analysis of the strategic Impacts and risks of an environmental
risks and the risks mapped within the Integrated
mentioned Management System (quality, environment, nature
in Legislative energy efficiency, the chemical management Environmental themes of importance to the
Decree system, the customs environment), which Group include the attractiveness of Ratti to
was performed through a mainly qualitatively
customers who are sensitive to environmental
254/2016. evaluation. In 2022, new ESG risks identified matters, the use of productive resources and the
through a material analysis were added to the resulting impact on the environment.
initial mapping.
The process, in accordance with the provisions Impacts of an environmental nature on
of the GRI Standards (Universal Standards), relationships with commercial partners
identified risks of a financial, social and The Ratti Group has, for a number of years,
environmental nature which could have followed a virtuous pathway towards reducing
potentially negative effects. its relative consumption of resources and
widening its offer of sustainable products
The definition of such risks is based on an analysis backed by certification and complying with
of competitors and similar companies in the protocols for managing chemical substances
sector that published a non-financial declaration (e.g. the ZDHC protocol). This has enabled it to
or a sustainability report in 2021, as well as the respond effectively to the needs of the market.
description in the guidelines of specific series In addition, the Group has launched a project
of Standards (series 200, 300 and 400) that are to establish Ratti’s environmental footprint,
examples of the risks associated with certain including that of its supply chain.
sustainability themes.
Impacts of an environmental nature associated
The same qualitative evaluation was applied to with processes of transformation
ascertain the probability that such risks might In order to provide the market with the
materialise and could, therefore, generate goods/services it requires businesses carry
significant negative effects for the Group and its out processes of transformation which use
stakeholders. economic/environmental resources (energy,
water, raw materials, chemical products,
The evaluation was carried out for all Group the human factor etc.) generating, however,