Page 98 - Ratti_bilancio di sostenibilità_2022_EN
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Chapter 7 | Governance and monitoring of corporate ethics and risk management
Impacts and risks of a social nature range of sustainable products thanks to product
Social themes that are significant for the Group certifications and compliance with the protocols
concern respect for human rights in the supply for managing chemical substances (ZDHC) have
chain, health and safety in the workplace, the enabled Ratti to respond effectively to requests
safeguarding of diversity within the Group, the from customers who are increasingly concerned
attractiveness of Ratti to customers who pay about sustainability.
attention to social issues and the creation and
maintenance of distinctive know-how within the
Group. Impacts of a social nature on employees
Impacts of a social nature on employees refer to
Impacts of a social nature on relationships with safeguarding the rights of workers, which includes
commercial partners aspects of health and safety in the workplace,
Impacts of a social nature on relationships with as well as recognising and safeguarding the
partners require rules/checks to be defined aimed values of diversity and inclusion. The Group,
at ensuring compliance with applicable regulations thanks to the strategy it has been following for
and/or international principles which safeguard years of continuous improvement in health and
workers and, more generally, individuals. safety performance and the construction of a
The Ratti Group has, for a number of years, culture orientated towards inclusion and respect
established policies and procedures for selecting/ for diversity, has guaranteed the treatment of
evaluating suppliers. This has made it possible employees in accordance with best practices from
to create a supply chain which is sustainable in a social point of view, equal career development
terms of compliance with applicable regulations opportunities for its employees, keeping/
and the implementation of sustainability practices attracting talented personnel and high standards
by the Group’s suppliers, leading to a benefit of safety in the workplace.
in terms of the reputation of the Group itself. For further information see Chapter 3 “Human
These factors, together with a widening of the resources”.
Table 4 – The main risks of a social nature
Potential reputational damage Risk of violation of human rights and/or
for the Ratti Group caused by regulations in force at Group companies In Ratti SpA BC there is an SA800 and ISO45001-certified management system
non-compliance with applicable or along the supply chain with conse- which, among other things, covers the social accountability policy and the hiring
regulations in a social context by quent reputational damage. procedure. Creomoda and La Maison des Accessoires are also SA8000 and ISO
its supply chain (e.g. rights in the 45001-certified in terms of social accountability policy. Textrom has a social accoun-
workplace, safeguarding minors tability policy. Since 2018, in Textrom a social accountability policy has been in place
etc.), should a social infraction which also covers the area of health and safety. Textrom also has a consultant who
committed by the Group’s is specialised in and dedicated to ensuring compliance with the national legislation,
suppliers be demonstrated and with a contract that stipulates regular visits, and includes the provisions and upda-
made public. tes of the Risk Evaluation Documentation and subsequent training.
The safeguarding of human rights is enshrined in the Group’s Code of Ethics and in
the Suppliers’ Code that all Ratti’s trade partners must agree to comply with. The
Potential occurrence of Failure to comply with the principles of Group has an Ethics Committee. In addition, in the certified companies there is a
episodes of discrimination in the SA8000 standard on social accountabili- Social Performance Team. Stakeholders may contact this team in order to report
workplace ty with subsequent reputational damage.
any episodes of non-compliance with SA8000 principles (including any episodes
of discrimination).
Work-related injuries Risk of injury and/or occupational illnes-
ses. In Ratti SpA BC has procedures for the assessment, selection and monitoring of
suppliers and the management of tenders which also include aspects of social
responsibility and health. The assessment procedure involves suppliers making a
commitment to respecting the principles of the Suppliers’ Code, the Ratti Group’s
Code of Ethics and all the principles of the management systems adopted by Rat-
ti. For suppliers there are regular monitoring and evaluation procedures. In 2022 a
number of ethical audits were carried out on the supply chain.
The subsidiaries, even though they represent limited volumes of purchases, require
their main suppliers to confirm, in writing, their acceptance of the Suppliers’ Code.
In Creomoda and La Maison des Accessoires suppliers also fill in the SA8000 sel-
f-assessment questionnaire.