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Ratti Group | Sustainability Report 2022
Other impacts and risks improvement of its practices, processes, products
In addition to the ESG impacts that are directly and the services offered to customers, and the
linked with GRI themes, other impacts have been attitude of linking, during the design of a product,
identified which are considered to be key to the aesthetics, sustainability and support for the local
Company’s sustainability in the medium term. community. Another impact which is considered
Thanks to the projects/activities the Group has to be significant is safeguarding intellectual
undertaken over the years, these impacts have property, for which various steps have been taken
contributed to creating the corporate culture. to mitigate risk, as specified below.
In detail, the positive impacts identified are: an
ability to create networks with organisations and For further information see Chapter 4, paragraph
institutions on projects with a high innovative 4.2 “Spreading the cardinal value of intellectual
and technological content, the continuous property”.
Table 7 – Other impacts and risks of the Ratti Group
Reputational and financial Risk of loss of sensitive data and strategic Defined procedures/organisational and IT practices for access to designs, with
damage relating to the possible information appropriate profiling of users/designs
loss of data and strategic
information suffered by Infrastructure of redundancy storage of designs to guarantee continuity, with
the Group (safeguarding further physical backups managed remotely
intellectual property)
Management of IT infrastructure, also with regard to safeguarding data, out-
sourced to leading companies in the sector
AEOF authorisation obtained from the Customs and Monopolies Agency, which
also covers physical security and IT aspects
Employees and suppliers sign confidentiality clauses Safeguarding intellectual
property is addressed in the Code of Ethics and the Suppliers’ Code.