Page 96 - Ratti_bilancio di sostenibilità_2022_EN
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Chapter 7 | Governance and monitoring of corporate ethics and risk management
a negative impact on the environment (e.g.
consumption of resources, production of waste,
emissions into the atmosphere and water
pollution). To this end, Ratti has established
a model of a responsible company which is
orientated towards an innovation of products,
processes and services in which policies
contributing positively to the environment are of
key importance.
Moving in this direction are the projects
launched over the last ten years relating
to investment in new generation plant, the
installation of photovoltaic panels, improving the
efficiency of processes/plant, and drawing up
contracts for the purchasing of green energy.
The management of chemical products – Ratti
SpA BC is a contributor to ZDHC, the reference
protocol in fashion textiles for eliminating
hazardous substances – has also received
investment and has delivered improvements and
other positive results.
Finally, the Group has also operated at the level
of circularity, procuring recycled material, using
a part of its residual production to make by-
products, promoting a line of circular products
and services (PHORIA) based on recycling and
repair, setting up a company which recycles
non-hazardous textile waste, and working with
producers on the circularity of the supply chain
(membership of the Retex Green consortium).
All the negative environmental impacts
identified for the Group are real in practice. The
action taken by Ratti has made it possible to
mitigate these impacts. Naturally, the process
of continuously improving the environmental
performance of the Company is influenced by
the geopolitical scenario, the regulatory and
legislative context as well as by processes of
changing and reorganising the supply chain and
individual companies.
The main risks relating to climate change
Although in the material analysis of impacts, Identifying, evaluating and managing risks, as
as a consequence of adopting an inside-out well as the opportunities associated with climate
perspective that takes into consideration the change, has become essential to guaranteeing
impacts caused by the company on stakeholders, the creation of value in the long term, to the point
no specific environmental impacts emerged as at which institutions and the business world have
to how climate change could influence Ratti’s markedly accelerated their legal efforts as well
performance, from the point of view of long-term as the action they take to prevent and manage
economic sustainability a number of observations the effects. 2015 was a turning point in the fight
are reported below. against climate change thanks to the adoption
of the Paris Agreement and the launching of
For further information see Chapter 4 “The initiatives such as the Task Force on Climate-
sustainable product” and Chapter 5 “Ratti’s related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to identify
environmental commitment”. the risks and opportunities associated with
changes to the economic-financial system.