Page 92 - Ratti_bilancio di sostenibilità_2022_EN
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Chapter 7 | Governance and monitoring of corporate ethics and risk management
The Supervisory Body is obliged to promptly Sustainability”. The Group, coordinated by
inform the Board of Directors, the Board of Ratti SpA BC’s Sustainability Manager, reports
Statutory Auditors and the Risks Control to the CEO of the Company and has the
Committee, with regard to provisions within task of planning and putting into practice
their remit, of any transgressions, infractions actions relating to social and environmental
and non-compliant behaviour that have been sustainability.
observed, and to suggest revisions, amendments
and additions that could prevent the above. In 2022, the Working Group on Sustainability
Since November 2018 the Supervisory Body has occupied itself with certifications, audits
also managed the reporting flow from the new and assessments, analyses of consumption,
whistleblowing procedure. taking part in programmes run by customers,
associations and institutions, training the sales
Reports which could come from Ratti Group force, providing learning support to fashion
stakeholders could concern breaches of schools, and social activities.
the regulations, as well as suggestions for
improving the Group’s policies and processes. With increasing monitoring of aspects of
Some stakeholders (such as the RLS or union sustainability, Ratti SpA BC has adopted a
representatives) are involved in the processes range of polices and instruments that have
of revising and improving the functioning of been communicated and implemented by the
reporting mechanisms by participating in specific various companies of the Group according to the
meetings organised by the Ratti Group. specific needs and various contexts in which they
operate. The documents relating to the policies
The actions taken in response to complaints or applied are available on the website www.ratti.
doubts over the corporate actions of the Group – it, on the company notice boards and, only in the
at least in situations which require confidentiality case of Ratti SpA BC, published on the portal
– are recorded in specific reports, while for cases used by all employees.
involving non-anonymous reports the person The role of the
who made the complaint is contacted directly to In particular, Ratti SpA BC, Creomoda, La Maison Supervisory
receive feedback. des Accessoires and Textrom have adopted Body is to
their own Social Accountability Policy and, with
As already mentioned, in September 2022 a the exception of Textrom, SA8000 certification continuously
project was launched and is expected to be safeguarding the fundamental rights of persons, oversee the
completed in the first half of 2023. The purpose of with a particular focus on child labour, forced principles
the project is to update the Organisational Model, and compulsory labour, occupational health and
the Code of Ethics and the Suppliers Code and to safety, non-discrimination against workers during of autonomy
draft the Group’s anti-corruption policy. the recruitment phase and following hiring, and
freedom of association, etc.
Governance of sustainability issues With regard to environmental aspects the Group’s professionalism
(Legislative Decree 254/2016) companies have adopted an Environmental and continuity
With regard to sustainability issues, the strategy Policy with the aim of safeguarding the of action
and coordination of activities are within the remit environment and promoting a sustainable
of the Parent company Ratti SpA BC. In particular, development agenda, both in terms of making of the
the Board of Directors of Ratti SpA BC defines company processes more efficient and in terms Organisational
the Group’s strategic choices in accordance with of using products and services with a lower Model.
the contents of Legislative Decree 254/2016, environmental impact. In 2019, Creomoda
based on knowledge of the processes in other updated its environmental policy to include the
Group companies and the integrated system activities of the new company La Maison des
for managing risks (see the paragraph “The Accessoires. In 2021, Ratti SpA BC also launched
management of sustainability risks”), with the aim a study analysing the climate change risks
of providing a line of conduct to follow in the associated with the value chain, also in relation
operating activities of the Group. to the production chain.
From March 2018, the Sustainability Committee The management of personnel and the
set up in Ratti SpA BC, which meets regularly defence of human rights are covered in the
to develop plans and proposals for the Group, personnel and selection policies of Ratti SpA
assumed the name, the characteristics and BC, Creomoda, La Maison des Accessoires
the functions of the “Working Group on and Textrom. No discrimination of any type is