Page 88 - Ratti_bilancio di sostenibilità_2022_EN
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Chapter 7  |  Governance and monitoring of corporate ethics and risk management

            with a specific focus on the functioning of the
            organisational, administrative and accounting     The remuneration policy of the Ratti Group
            structure.                                                      for senior roles

                                                         Remuneration policy adopts a fair   Directors are also entitled to receive
            The Executive Committee                      structure. This involves a careful   reimbursement of living expenses
            The BoD has appointed an Executive Committee   balancing of fixed and variable   incurred in relation to their role.
            consisting of three members elected by the BoD,   components, avoiding imbalances
            including the office of Chairman of the BoD and
                                                         which could lead to behaviour which   Meanwhile, the remuneration
            the CEO of the Company, plus a third member to
                                                         is not aligned with a sustainable   package for directors with strategic
            be appointed by the Board. It may be convened
                                                         performance and the risk profile.   responsibility consists of an annual
            either by the Chairman of the BoD or by a member
                                                                                    basic salary, incentives based on
            of the BoD or the Board of Statutory Auditors. It is
                                                         Remuneration of directors always   results (from 5% to 50% of gross
            this Committee’s duty to supervise management
            performance and to decide on all matters and/  has a fixed component, which   annual salary depending on role) and
            or business of significant importance to Ratti   is decided by the Shareholders’   other benefits typically associated
            SpA BC or the Group, according to the criteria laid   meeting following a proposal from   with the role, such as company
            down by corporate governance.                the BoD; for sole directors with   cars and supplementary medical
                                                         specific roles, a variable component   services.
                                                         is added to the fixed component
            The Remuneration Committee                   while, only for members of the   Finally, the approved remuneration
            The Remuneration Committee, in accordance with
                                                         Remuneration Committee and   policy precludes the possibility
            the Code of Corporate Governance, consists of
                                                         the Risks Control Committee, an   of stipulating agreements with
            non-executive independent directors. It evaluates
                                                         attendance allowance is added for   directors and executives with
            the consistency and application of the policy for
                                                         participation in the meetings of the   strategic roles that determine their
            remuneration of directors and executives with
                                                         respective committees.     treatment if their roles/employment
            strategic responsibility, formulating proposals or
            expressing opinions on the matter.                                      relationships are terminated. The
                                                          Directors who are members of the   only exception to this is the General
            The Remuneration Committee has been given    Supervisory Body also receive fixed   Manager, who currently also covers
            the task of:                                 remuneration on an annual basis.   the role of CEO

            -  assisting the BoD in the development of
               remuneration policy;
                                                      out its duties relating to matters of internal
            -  presenting proposals or expressing views on   control and risk management.
               the remuneration of executive directors and
               other directors who cover particular roles, as   More specifically, the Risks Control Committee:
               well as setting performance objectives relating
               to the variable component of that remuneration;  -  evaluates, having communicated with
                                                        the director responsible for preparing the
            -  monitoring the practical application of the   company’s financial statements, the statutory
               remuneration policy and, in particular, verifying   auditor and the control body, that the
               that the performance objectives have been   accounting principles have been correctly
               reached;                                 applied and, in the case of groups, are in
                                                        line with the draft consolidated financial
            -  periodically evaluating the adequacy and   statements;
               overall coherence of the remuneration policy
               for directors and top management.      -  assesses the extent to which periodic
                                                        information – whether financial or non-financial
                                                        – correctly represents the business model,
            The Risks Control Committee                 the company’s strategies, the impact of the
            The Risks Control Committee consists of three   company’s activities and the results obtained;
            members nominated by the BoD: non-executive
            directors of whom two are independent.    -  examines the contents of significant periodic
            The Committee monitors the observance and   information of a non-financial nature for the
            periodic updating of the Corporate Governance   purposes of the internal control and risk
            rules. In particular, it assists the BoD in carrying   management system;

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