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Ratti Group | Sustainability Report 2022

                              Ratti SpA BC has been listed

                              on the stock market (Mercato Euronext

                              Milano) as an SpA (joint-stock company)

                              since 1989. It has a system of corporate

                              governance which complies with

                              the Code of Corporate Governance

                               7.1                                      (DNF), the mandate of the auditing company is

                               The governance structure                 implemented on the basis of the principle ISAE
                               of the Group                             3000 (Revised) – Assurance Engagements Other
                                                                        than Audits of Reviews of Historical Financial
                                                                        Information. This requires procedures to be
                                                                        planned and followed with the aim of acquiring
                               Ratti SpA BC has been listed on the stock market
                               (Mercato Euronext Milano) as an SpA (joint-  a level of limited certainty that the DNF does
                               stock company) since 1989. It has a system of   not contain any significant errors. In particular, to
                               corporate governance which complies with the   ensure this is the case interviews and discussions
                               Code of Corporate Governance and is organised   are held with the company’s management and,
                               in accordance with the traditional model of   where considered necessary, with other bodies
                               administration and control which requires a   of the Group. In addition, document checks are
                               Shareholders’ Meeting, a Board of Directors (BoD)   carried out in order to gather information about
                               and a Board of Statutory Auditors.       processes and procedures which facilitate
                               The company has a Supervisory Body and includes   the gathering, aggregation, elaboration and
                               the Internal Auditing function.          transmission of data and information of a non-
                                                                        financial nature.
                               The reporting activities are audited by an
                               independent third-party company. With specific   Ratti SpA BC carries out strategy, coordination
                               reference to the non-financial declaration   and control activities in accordance with Article
                                                                        2359 of the Italian Civil Code; for that reason
                                                                        all the operations of particular strategic and
                                                                        financial significance of Ratti SpA BC (and the
                                                                        entire Group) are subject to the collective
                                                                        examination and the exclusive approval of the
                                                                        Company’s BoD.

                                                                        The members of the BoD of Ratti SpA BC, as well
                                                                        as some executives who cover strategic roles, are
                                                                        involved in the administration of other companies
                                                                        in the Group, ensuring the appropriate participation
                                                                        of the associates in governance decisions. In

                                                                        -  Ratti International Trading (Shanghai) Co.
                                                                          Ltd has Thierry Cusinato as sole Director, who
                                                                          exercises all powers of administration. The sole
                                                                          Director’s mandate does not have a pre-defined
                                                                          expiry date;
                                                                        -  Textrom Srl has Donatella Ratti as sole

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