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Ratti Group | Sustainability Report 2022

                               -  expresses a view on specific aspects inherent   potential conflict of interests with the role and the
                                 to the identification of the main corporate risks   duties associated with the position.
                                 and supports the assessments and decisions   All recipients of the Group’s Code of Ethics,
                                 of the BoD in relation to risks deriving from   should they become aware of situations which,
                                 prejudicial factors which have come to the   either actually or potentially, could represent a
                                 latter’s attention;                    significant violation of the Code of Ethics, must
                                                                        communicate this to the Ethics Committee in a
                               -  examines the periodic reports as well as those   timely manner.
                                 of particular importance prepared by the   To this end, a dedicated procedure has been
                                 Internal Audit function;               created and distributed which identifies the
                                                                        modes of operation and rules to be followed when
                               -  monitors the autonomy, adequacy,      managing any reports of violations received from
                                 effectiveness and efficiency of the Internal   recipients of the Group’s Code of Ethics.
                                 Audit function;

                               -  may task the Internal Audit function with   7.2
                                 the job of carrying out verifications on specific   The bodies and the instruments
                                 operational areas, at the same time providing
                                 communication of this to the chairman of the   that monitor corporate ethics
        Ratti has                control body;
        a Group Ethics         -  reports to the BoD, at least on occasion of the   As anticipated, Ratti SpA BC’s BoD has formed
                                                                        a Risks Control Committee and a Directors’
                                 approval of the annual and half-yearly financial
        Committee.               statements, on the activities which have been   Remuneration Committee from among its
        This was                 carried out and the adequacy of the internal   members, and in 2018 also established a Group
        established              control and risk management system;    Ethics Committee. The other supervisory bodies
                                                                        for laws and regulations relating to financial and
        through a              -  expresses, giving reasons, a non-binding   social matters are the Board of Statutory Auditors
        resolution               opinion on the interests of the issuer on the   and the Supervisory Board.
        of the BoD               conclusion of translations with related parties,   In their turn, these control bodies have access to
                                 on the benefit and accuracy in substance
        with a mandate           of the related conditions and, periodically,   a number of instruments and policies that ensure
        for the period           on the validity of the procedure governing   compliance with the Standards and appropriate
        stipulated at            transactions with related parties adopted by   Group behaviour, i.e. the Code of Ethics and the
                                 the Company;
                                                                        Suppliers’ Code adopted by all the Companies
        the time of its                                                 of the Group, Model 231 and the Social and
        appointment.           -  may carry out further tasks it may be assigned   Corporate Accountability Policies (which include
        Its task is to           by the BoD.                            aspects of safety, the environment, energy
                                                                        and quality) adopted by Ratti SpA BC as well as
        ensure the                                                      the Environmental and Social Accountability
        consistent             The Ethics Committee                     Policies adopted in Creomoda, La Maison des
        application            In order to bolster the role of its Code of Ethics,   Accessoires and Textrom.
                               since 2018 Ratti has nominated a Group Ethics
        and diffusion          Committee. This was established through a   The Ratti Group guarantees that it complies with
        of the Group’s         resolution of the BoD with a mandate for the   applicable legislation with regard to its operations,
        ethical                period stipulated at the time of its appointment.   through the activities and checks carried out by
                                                                        accredited internal offices (e.g. the legal office,
                               Its task is to ensure the consistent application
        principles.            and diffusion of the Group’s ethical principles   financial administration and control, Internal
                               contained in the Code of Ethics, and to investigate   Audit, the technical office, the internal laboratory,
                               and deal with any reports of violations or   the prevention and protection service, human
                               requests for clarification.              resources and management systems). The Group
                                                                        uses specialised external consultants when
                               Appointment as members of the Ethics     necessary.
                               Committee depends on the satisfaction of the
                               individual requirements of honesty, integrity,   If key internal functions are not present in the
                               respectability and independence, as well as the   subsidiaries, the corresponding functions in Ratti
                               absence of any reason for incompatibility with the   SpA BC will supply them, providing consultancy
                               appointment in question, such as, for example, a   services either in person or managed remotely,

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