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Chapter 7  |  Governance and monitoring of corporate ethics and risk management

            making use of specialised external consultants if   The Organisational Model and the
            necessary. For Ratti SpA BC, managing significant   Supervisory Body
            risk profiles is in any case corroborated by   Since 2006, Ratti SpA BC has had an
            appropriate evaluations carried out by the bodies   organisational, management and control
            which form part of the management and internal   model which complies with Legislative Decree
            control system.                           231/2001 (“Organisational Model”) and has
                                                      appointed a Supervisory Body.
            In addition, the Ratti Group has for some time
            been following a strategy of formally declaring   The Organisational Model and the related
            its compliance in respect of social, financial   attachments (the Group’s Code of Ethics, the
            and environmental issues. It has obtained and   Suppliers’ Code, the Whistleblowing Policy), were
            maintains a series of product and process   updated at the end of 2018. All the Company’s
            certifications. It should also be noted that on   subsidiaries have subsequently adopted the Code
            17 May 2022 Ratti became a benefit company,   of Ethics and the Suppliers’ Code.
            in accordance with Law 208/2015, adding the
            resulting clarifications and amendments to its
            by-laws and, in particular, adding to its corporate
            purpose the specific goal of mutual benefit which
            Ratti SpA BC is already pursuing and which it
            intends to continue to pursue.
            As had already been planned for its subsidiary Ratti
            International Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, in 2022 the
            Ratti Group launched a privacy compliance project
            in relation to the relevant current applicable
            Chinese law called “Personal information
            protection law”. More time has been needed to
            complete the project than expected, but it is
            reasonable to suppose that it will be concluded in
            the first half of 2023.

            The Group’s Code OF Ethics, updated in 2018,
            summarises all elements on which the company’s
            identity and culture is based, and to which all
            subjects must adhere who act in the name of or
            on behalf of the Group and, in various ways and
            at various levels, maintain relationships with the
            different companies. The main recipients, who
            are explicitly referred to, are: the directors, the   The Group’s ethical principles
            statutory auditors, all the employees of all the
            companies in the Ratti Group, all freelance workers,   9 principles of the Code of Ethics underpin the governance and the
            all external partners (consultants, trading partners,   management of the Group’s activities:
            agents) and suppliers.
                                                         •       Legality, loyalty and probity
            The Code of Ethics stipulates the rules of conduct   •   Respect for the individual and development of our personnel
            that recipients must follow when conducting   •      Safeguarding health and safety and the environment
            corporate business and activities, and when   •      Social Accountability
            managing people and information. In order to   •     Safeguarding the trademarks, patents and original works
            manage any reports of violations of the Group’s   •   Prevention of conflict of interests
            Code of Ethics a procedure has been defined that
                                                         •       Integrity and the fight against corruption
            is valid for all the Group’s companies.
                                                         •       Transparency and anti-money laundering
            This identifies the operating modality and the
                                                         •       Freedom and duty to report violations
            rules to follow. With regard to the project to
            update the Organisation, Management and      The Code of Ethics may be consulted by accessing the Communications
            Control Model 231/01 which began in September
                                                         area of Ratti’s self-service Human Resources portal or the website www.ratti.
            2022 and which is expected to be completed in
                                                         it in the section: “Investitori / corporate governance / procedure e codici”
            the first half of 2023, more detail is planned for the
                                                         (Investors / corporate governance / procedures and codes).
            chapter relating to the conflict of interests in the
            Code of Ethics.
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