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Ratti Group | Sustainability Report 2022

         308: Supplier environmental assessment – 2016

        3-3 Management of material topics  Chap. 5, paragraph 5.4 A virtuous circle of good practices

        308-1 New suppliers that were screened using   Annex Chap. 5
        environmental criteria
        308-2 Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain  Chap. 5, paragraph 5.4 A virtuous circle of good practices,
        and actions taken                  Annex Chap. 5

         401: Employment – 2016

        3-3 Management of material topics  Chap 3 paragraph 3.1 The workforce of the Ratti Group ;
                                           paragraph 3.4 The welfare of our employees
        401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover  Chap. 3, paragraph 3.1 The workforce of the Ratti Group
                                           Annex Chap. 3

        401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not  Chapter 3 paragraph 3.4 The welfare of our employees
        provided to temporary or part-time employees

         403: Occupational health and safety – 2018
        3-3 Management of material topics  Chap. 3, paragraph 3.2 Health and safety

        403-1 Occupational health and safety management system   Chap. 3, paragraph 3.2 Health and safety
        403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident   Chap. 3, paragraph 3.2 Health and safety
        investigation                      Chap. 7, paragraph 7.3 Managing risks to include sustainability
        403-3 Occupational health services  Chap. 3, paragraph 3.2 Health and safety

        403-4 Worker participation, consultation, and   Chap. 3, paragraph 3.2 Health and safety
        communication on occupational health and safety
                                           Chap. 3, paragraph 3.2 Health and safety
        403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safety
                                           3.3 Training and developing talent
                                           Chap. 3, paragraph 3.2 Health and safety
        403-6 Promotion of worker health
                                           3.4 The welfare of our employees
        403-7 Prevention and mitigation of occupational health   Chap. 3, paragraph 3.2 Health and safety
        and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships

        403-8 Workers covered by an occupational health and   Chap. 3, paragraph 3.2 Health and safety
        safety management system
                                           Chap. 3, paragraph 3.2 Health and safety
        403-9 Work-related injuries
                                           Annex Chap. 3
         404: Training and education – 2016
        3-3 Management of material topics  Chap. 3, paragraph 3.3 Training and developing talent

                                           Chap. 3, paragraph 3.3 Training and developing talent
        404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee
                                           Annex Chap. 3
        404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and   Chap. 3, paragraph 3.3 Training and developing talent
        transition assistance programs
         405: Diversity and equal opportunity – 2016

                                           Chap. 3 paragraph 3.1 The workforce of the Ratti Group,
        3-3 Management of material topics
                                           Paragraph 3.4 The welfare of our employees
                                           Chap. 3, paragraph 3.1 The workforce of the Ratti Group
        405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees
                                           Annex Chap. 3
        405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration   Annex Chap. 3
        of women to men

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