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Ratti Group | Sustainability Report 2022

        2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest   Chap. 7, paragraph 7.1 The governance structure of the Group; paragraph
        governance body                    7.2 The bodies and the instruments that monitor corporate ethics
        2-18 Evaluation of the performance of the highest   As things currently stand no indications of amendments to the
        governance body                    composition of the highest governance body have been reported.
                                           Chap. 7, paragraph 7.1 The governance structure of the Group; paragraph
                                           7.2 The bodies and the instruments that monitor corporate ethics
        2-19 Remuneration policies         Chap. 7 paragraph 7.1 The governance structure of the Group

        2-20 process to determine remuneration  Chap. 7 paragraph 7.1 The governance structure of the Group
        2-21 Annual total compensation ratio
                                           The ratio between the total annual compensation of the person who
                                           receives the maximum amount and the total annual average remuneration
                                           of Ratti Group employees is 21.38. This figure is affected by the very high
                                           number of employees who belong to the contractual category “blue-
                                           collar workers”.
                                           The ratio between the percentage increase of the average annual
                                           compensation of the person who receives the maximum amount and the
                                           total annual (average) amount for all employees of the Ratti Group is 1.15.
                                           Total annual compensation takes into consideration: Annual gross salary,
                                           theoretical MBO, bonuses, benefits and performance-based bonuses

         Strategy, policies and practices
        2-22 Statement on                  Letter from the Chairman
        sustainable development strategy   Letter from the CEO
                                           Chap. 2 paragraph 2.3 Objectives and results 2022, Objectives 2023
        2-23 Policy commitments            Documents containing commitments in terms of policy are approved by
                                           the Shareholders’ Meeting.
                                           Chap. 7, paragraph 7.1 The governance structure of the Group; paragraph
                                           7.2 The bodies and the instruments that monitor corporate ethics
        2-24 Embedding policy commitments  Chap. 7, paragraph 7.1 The governance structure of the Group; paragraph
                                           7.2 The bodies and the instruments that monitor corporate ethics
        2-25 Processes to remediate negative impacts  Chapter 7, paragraph 7.3 Managing risks to include sustainability
        2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns  Chap. 7, paragraph 7.3 Managing risks to include sustainability

        2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations  During 2022 no cases were reported of significant non-compliance with
                                           laws and regulations, or of any significant monetary sanctions paid by the
        2-28 Membership of associations    Chap. 1 paragraph 1.1 A story with deep roots
         Involvement of the stakeholders
        2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement  Methodological Note, paragraph on the analysis of materiality, paragraph
                                           on stakeholders and the process of involvement
        2-30 Collective bargaining agreements  In Ratti SpA BC, Textrom, Maison des Accessories and Creomoda 100% of
                                           employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements In Ratti USA
                                           and in Ratti International Trading (Shanghai) there are individual contracts
                                           and agreements for the 6 employees overall.
                                                GRI 3 – MATERIALS –  2021 VERSION
         Material themes

        3-1 process to determine material topics  Methodological Note, paragraph on materiality analysis
        3-2 List of material topics        Methodological Note, paragraph on materiality analysis
         201: Economic performance – 2016

        3-3 Management of material topics  Chap. 8
        201-1 Directly generated and distributed economic value  Chap. 8
         204: Procurement practices
        3-3 Management of material topics  Chap. 5, paragraph 5.4 A virtuous circle of good practices

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