Page 146 - Ratti_bilancio di sostenibilità_2022_EN
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GRI Content index
204-1 Proportion of spending on local suppliers Chap. 5, paragraph 5.4 A virtuous circle of good practices
Annex Chap. 5
205: Anti-corruption – 2016
3-3 Management of material topics Chap. 7, paragraph 7.3 Managing risks to include sustainability
205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption a. In 2022 there was no specific communication, nor were there any
policies and procedures training activities for members of the BoD in relation to anti-corruption
policies and procedures. In 2023 training will involve – in addition to new
hires – senior management, executives and middle managers.
It will focus in particular on the update to the Organisation, Management
and Control Model 231/01, the Code of Ethics and the approval of the
anti-corruption policy.
For other points covered by the indicator see the section in Annex Chap. 7
205-3 Verified episodes of corruption and action taken In 2022 no incidents of any type were reported for the Ratti Group in
relation to corruption
301: Materials – 2016
3-3 Management of material topics Chap. 4, paragraph 4.3 A commitment anchored in the most advanced
standards, paragraph 4.4 Ratti’s sustainable offer, paragraph 4.5 Ratti’s
circular textiles: the PHORIA brand
Chap. 5, paragraph 5.1 Sustainability in textiles: challenge accepted
301-1 Materials used by weight or volume Annex Chap. 4
Annex Chap. 5
301-2 Recycled input materials used Annex Chap. 4
Annex Chap. 5
302: Energy – 2016
3-3 Management of material topics Chapter 5, paragraph 5.2 Less resources consumed, a better future
302-1 Energy consumption within the organisation Annex Chap. 5
303: Water and wastewater – 2018
3-3 Management of material topics Chap. 5, paragraph 5.1 Sustainability in textiles: challenge accepted;
paragraph 5.2 Less resources consumed, a better future
303-1 Interaction with water as a shared resource Chapter 5, paragraph 5.1 Sustainability in textiles: challenge accepted;
paragraph 5.2 Less resources consumed, a better future
303-2 Management of water-discharge related impacts Chapter 5, paragraph 5.1 Sustainability in textiles: challenge accepted;
paragraph 5.2 Less resources consumed, a better future
303-3 Water withdrawal Annex Chap. 5
303-4 Water discharge Annex Chap. 5
303-5 Water consumption Annex Chap. 5
305: Emissions – 2016
3-3 Management of material topics Chapter 5, paragraph 5.2 Less resources consumed, a better future
Direct emissions of greenhouse gasses (SCOPE 1) Annex Chap. 5
305-2 Energy indirect (SCOPE 2) GHG emissions Annex Chap. 5
306: Waste – 2020
3-3 Management of material topics Chap. 5 paragraph 5.3 The circular economy and waste management
306-1 Waste generation and significant waste-related Chap. 5 paragraph 5.3 The circular economy and waste management
306-3 Waste produced Chap. 5 paragraph 5.3 The circular economy and waste management
306-4 Waste diverted from disposal Annex Chap. 5
306-5 Waste directed to disposal Annex Chap. 5