Page 144 - Ratti_bilancio di sostenibilità_2022_EN
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GRI Content index

                                        GRI Content Index

                                                       The Ratti Group has presented a report which complies with GRI Standards for the period 1 January
              Declaration of use
                                                       – 31 December 2022

              GRI USED                                 GRI 1 - Fundamental Principles - version 2021

              Relevant GRI Standards for the sector    Not present at the moment this report was approved

                          DISCLOSURE                              LOCATION                         OMISSION
                                                                                            (requirements omitted, reason and

                                             GRI 2 – GENERAL DISCLOSURES – VERSION 2021
             Informative generali

            2-1 Organisational details         Chapter 1, paragraph 1.1 A story with deep roots,
                                               paragraph 1.2 The Ratti Group today
            2-2 Entities included in the organisation’s sustainability   Methodological Note, Perimeter paragraph, purpose and contents of the
            reporting                          2022 Sustainability Report and DNF

                                               Methodological Note, Perimeter paragraph, purpose and contents of the
            2-3 Reporting period, frequency and point of contact
                                               2022 Sustainability Report and DNF
            2-4 Restatements of information    Methodological Note, Perimeter paragraph, purpose and contents of the
                                               2022 Sustainability Report and DNF

            2-5 External assurance             Chapter 7 paragraph 7.1 The governance structure of the Group
                                               Declaration of external assurance
             Activities and workers
            2-6 Activities, value chain and other business relationships  Chap. 1 paragraph 1.2 The Ratti Group today
                                               Chap. 5, paragraph 5.4 A virtuous circle of good practices
            2-7 Employees                      Chap. 3 paragraph 3.1 The Ratti Group’s employees
                                               Annex Chap. 3
            2 -8 Non-employed workers          Chap. 3 paragraph 3.1 The Ratti Group’s employees
                                               Annex Chap. 3
            2-9 Governance structure and composition  Chap. 7 paragraph 7.1 The governance structure of the Group
            2-10 Nomination and selection of the highest governance   The process of nominating and selecting the BoD of Ratti SpA BC is
            body                               described in Articles 16 and 17 of the Company’s by-laws
                                               Chap. 7 paragraph 7.1 The governance structure of the Group
            2-11 Chair of the highest governance body  The Chair of Ratti SpA BC is not an executive
            2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing   Chap. 7, paragraph 7.1 The governance structure of the Group; paragraph
            the management of impacts          7.2 The bodies and the instruments that monitor corporate ethics
            2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts  Chap. 7, paragraph 7.1 The governance structure of the Group; paragraph
                                               7.2 The bodies and the instruments that monitor corporate ethics
            2-14 Role of the highest governance body In sustainability   Chap. 7, paragraph 7.1 The governance structure of the Group; paragraph
            reporting                          7.2 The bodies and the instruments that monitor corporate ethics
            2-15 Conflicts of interest         Chap. 7, paragraph 7.2 The bodies and the instruments that monitor
                                               corporate ethics
            2-16 Communication of critical concerns  No significant critical concerns emerged in 2022
                                               Chap. 7, paragraph 7.3 Managing risks to include sustainability
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