Page 58 - Ratti_bilancio di sostenibilità_2022_EN
P. 58

Chapter 5  |  Ratti’s environmental commitment

            To do this, the Ratti Group

             • commits, year on year, to   • thinks strategically through
              obtain and update the most   circular economy projects;
              important certifications at
              international level;     • promotes sustainable mobility
                                        initiatives for staff;
             • commits to reducing
              environmental impact in   • selects suppliers that respect
              terms of chemical products   the environment and human
              used, waste generated,    rights.
              energy and water consumed
              and CO2 emitted;

             • uses renewable energy;

            manufacturing to, even, proposals for sustainable   wider impact on the supply chain, Ratti SpA BC
            fabrics and circular economy projects involving   has decided to ascertain the environmental
            the reuse and recycling of materials, the Group   footprint of its Guanzate plant by applying the
            promotes environmental protection and contributes   OEF (Organisation Environmental Footprint)
            to the spreading of a sustainability culture among all   methodology, a European standard which
            those it deals with.                      operates from the point of view of life cycle,
                                                      and which therefore takes into consideration
            To this end, in 2015 Ratti SpA BC obtained   the procurement of raw materials, consumption
            ISO14001:2015 certification for the Management   and emissions, the amount of waste produced
            System for Safeguarding the Environment; thanks   and transport to customers. Applying the OEF
            to this certification, recognised throughout the   methodology makes it possible to determine
            world, the company guarantees and attests to the   the environmental footprint, subdivided into 16
            compliance of its operations with the requirements   categories which may in turn be grouped into
            stipulated in terms of principles, systems   global warming, consumption of resources,
            and support techniques for the appropriate   impact on the environment and impact on people.
            management of the environment.            Applying the OEF methodology marks the further
                                                      evolution of Ratti SpA BC’s sustainability system.
            From the point of view of continuously improving   The company is committed to determining its
            its environmental performance, since 2011 the
            Ratti Group has undertaken the journey Ratti for
            Responsibility, making significant investments in   The base year and the reduction in consumption
            order to optimise production processes, replace          of 30% per metre produced
            machinery and reduce the amount of resources
            consumed.                                   The base year for Ratti SpA BC manufacturing is 2013. Plant modernisation and im-
                                                        proved energy efficiency have enabled the company to reduce its consumption for
            In order to assess the impact of direct activities,
                                                        individual product units. In this context, Ratti SpA BC produces a self-declared envi-
            in 2019 Ratti SpA BC carried out a gate-to-gate
                                                        ronmental assertion (in consideration of the ISO14021 reference standard), which is
            LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), in accordance with
                                                        reviewed by an independent third party.
            UNI ENISO14040:2006 standards and reviewed
            by a third party. The performance analysis related
                                                        Comparing 2019 with 2013, the declaration attests that consumption per metre pro-
            to the Guanzate site where, in comparison with
                                                        duced fell at the Guanzate plant by the following amounts:
            Textrom, the Group’s production activities with
            the greatest environmental impact are carried
            out. Meanwhile, the impact of the activities
            carried out at Creomoda and La Maison des
            Accessoires may be considered negligible in this
            regard, given the absence of industrial production   – 29%          – 35%             – 31%
            and the prevalence of craftsmanship activities.
                                                          consumption of electricity   -consumption of methane gas   consumption of water
            In line with the direction followed through the
            LCA in 2019, and with the goal of determining its

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