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Ratti Group | Sustainability Report 2022
The contents of this section show how the Ratti Group supports the
achievement of Sustainable Development Goals 6, 7, 8, 12 and 13.
Sustainability in textiles: economy, limiting the use of natural resources
and the production of waste, focusing instead
challenge accepted on the reuse and/or recovery of materials;
• to select suppliers/subcontractors on the
Ratti, Creomoda, La Maison des Accessoires and basis of their ability to supply goods and
Textrom are equipped with environmental policies services in compliance with the requirements
which aim to steer business processes towards and principles of the management system;
solutions that ensure greater protection of the
environment as well as research into the reduction • to promote organisational growth and orientate
of consumption. In order to manage and reduce business systems towards solutions that
the environmental impact of the use of energy best protect the environment, reduce the
Well aware and water, as well as emissions of polluting gases consumption of energy and water, reduce the
of the or gases with a greenhouse effect, each company amount of waste produced and manage waste
environmental in the Ratti Group operates autonomously. It responsibly;
does so in accordance with its business model
impacts of for managing and organising its activities and in • to develop and extend information,
the textile accordance with its environmental policies, and communication and employee training
industry, the in compliance with the local regulations governing processes to raise awareness of environmental
environmental protection, while coordinating fully
sustainability and promote dialogue
Ratti Group with the Ratti SpA BC Parent company. with internal and external stakeholders
has been In particular, Ratti SpA BC’s environmental to guarantee the effective and efficient
working for policy is included in the Corporate Policy of application of the company’s management
the Integrated Management System and was
some time to updated in 2021 with the objective of promoting
reduce these the following actions: • to prevent any form of pollution, in particular
impacts, • to choose and use equipment, resources, air and water pollution;
acting on its materials and substances in a rational manner, • to develop and update the management
production taking into consideration their impact on procedures for emergency situations and the
processes the environment and their potential risks to criteria for evaluating risks to health and safety
health and safety, with particular regard to
at work and to the environment.
and along the mechanical, chemical and manual handling
entire supply risks; Well aware of the impact the textile industry has
chain. • to favour the use of technologies, products on the environment, the Ratti Group has long
been working to reduce this impact, taking action
and services, whenever these are available, on its own production processes and along
that have the least impact on the environment; the supply chain. From a focus on the use of
chemical products and dyes to the selection and
• to operate with the logic of a circular monitoring of suppliers and the management of