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Ratti together with ACM at the Fashion Graduate Italia

Accademia Costume & Moda (ACM) took part in the latest edition of Fashion Graduate Italia (FGI): an event organized by Piattaforma Sistema Formativo Moda, which brings together the best Italian post-diploma training institutions and academies and dedicated to students as well as to all fashion enthusiasts.

During the FGI, 9 “alumni” of the Academy, enrolled in the latest edition of the Master in High Fashion, Fashion Design, presented their project/collection: a real excursus, mirror of their creative identity and starting point towards a new vision of the world of Haute Couture.

Il Master, che spazia dallo studio dell’evoluzione dello stile, alla tecnica volta all’acquisizione di competenze sulle materie prime fino agli aspetti tecnologici e sperimentali, dell’Alta Moda, vanta anche quest’anno anno la partecipazione di Ratti.

Guarda il video della sfilata QUI