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Ratti partner of Styleit

For Ratti, innovation takes place both in projects developed within the company and in a collaborative way with companies, universities and research centres. Essential in this area is the constant monitoring, relationship and exchange with the fresh and young universe of start-ups, an inexhaustible mine of creativity, originality and new perspectives. For this reason, Ratti has chosen to become a partner of Styleit, a startup accelerator that develops new technological solutions for the fashion market, launched by Cdp Venture Capital Sgr. The Styleit project is aimed at startups that have developed innovative products or services for the fashion, luxury and lifestyle market, with particular reference to enabling technologies for the sectors of environmental sustainability applied to production processes and the distribution chain, artificial intelligence, upcycling, the Metaverse, e-commerce, blockchain, mixed

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Our Sustainability Report is online

Our sustainability report is online, a document that represents a transparent report, created according to a model that aims to highlight the high quality of the relationships existing between our Group and its stakeholders, within the context of a context that finds concreteness in the economic, social and environmental aspects. By publishing this new sustainability report, we would like to underline how this document has become, also from a cultural point of view, a significant moment because it describes how the results and initiatives are the result of teamwork, which has not simply given life to a product creatively and productively exclusive, but an expression of all those values ​​in which Ratti still believes today. As with previous editions, the new report will be available on our website in a

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New recognition for Ratti

Also in 2022, Ratti received the recognition of “Workplace that promotes the health and well-being of workers” by the WHP program which works in collaboration with the Insubria Health Protection Agency (ATS) of the Lombardy Region and Confindustria Como. The path chosen by Ratti has as its main objective that of introducing healthy practices in order to improve the health of its workers, trying to identify, each time, new issues to approach in order to outline strategies and objectives that are to the full advantage of employee well-being, demonstrating how each choice underlines the importance and centrality of the people who work in the company.

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Ratti among the most climate conscious companies

Since 2022, Corriere della Sera with Pianeta 2030 has published the list of the “Companies most attentive to the climate”: a list of the 130 Italian companies that have most reduced the ratio between their Co2 emissions and turnover. Ratti for the second consecutive year, is present in the ranking in the “fashion” section as well as being among the 3 most virtuous companies in Lombardy, which confirms itself, also in 2023, as the most attentive region, with a presence of 39.2% of companies in the area. Dicover the news HERE

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Ratti partner of the Antonio Ratti Foundation for a restoration and digitization campaign of sample books

La Fondazione Provinciale della Comunità Comasca ONLUS has selected and co-financed the Ratti Foundation’s project for the restoration and digitization of the sample books of the Como manufacturer Guido Ravasi. The volumes, containing proof papers from the 1930s, tell of a Como area that was a pioneer in the silk district and are therefore representative of the industrial production of the early twentieth century. The conservation status of the volumes is extremely precarious and without dedicated intervention there is a risk of losing this heritage. The objective is to restore the structural integrity, restore its reading, so as to allow its use again with a view to collective sharing of knowledge. Restoration interventions will then be carried out followed by a digitalisation campaign of the textile finds which will then

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ITMF rewards Ratti for the development of the Rehubs project

At the Annual Conference of the ITMF (International Textile Manufacturers Federation), held in September in Davos in Switzerland, the “ReHubs Initiative for fiber to fiber Recycling in Europe” project was among the winners of the ITMF Cooperation Award 2022. The certificate of the prestigious recognition was issued to the companies that contributed to the project, including Ratti Spa. The Rehubs Initiative has developed a study and launched a collaborative project for the development of textile recycling technologies, in response to the challenges and goals of the European Commission’s Strategy for a Sustainable and Circular Textile, and constitutes a valuable tool for guiding the development of national EPR schemes

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Ratti together with ACM at the Fashion Graduate Italia

Accademia Costume & Moda (ACM) took part in the latest edition of Fashion Graduate Italia (FGI): an event organized by Piattaforma Sistema Formativo Moda, which brings together the best Italian post-diploma training institutions and academies and dedicated to students as well as to all fashion enthusiasts. During the FGI, 9 “alumni” of the Academy, enrolled in the latest edition of the Master in High Fashion, Fashion Design, presented their project/collection: a real excursus, mirror of their creative identity and starting point towards a new vision of the world of Haute Couture. Il Master, che spazia dallo studio dell’evoluzione dello stile, alla tecnica volta all’acquisizione di competenze sulle materie prime fino agli aspetti tecnologici e sperimentali, dell’Alta Moda, vanta anche quest’anno anno la partecipazione di Ratti. Guarda il video della sfilata

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Ratti collaborates with the association Go5

Go5, a non-profit association founded by a group of former patients of the Cancer Institute of Milan, has as its main objective to finance projects and initiatives to accompany and follow the patients of the institute, helping them to solve the problems that could arise with the disease and trying to make their path lighter. Among the projects espoused by Go5 this year, there is “Il Filo d’Arianna”: an initiative conceived in collaboration with a team of psychologists and oncologists from the National Cancer Institute and dedicated to women affected by metastatic cancer at breast, to help them find the balance necessary to continue to lead a normal life. Ratti actively participated in the project by making available its own fabrics that were used by the inmates of the high

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The V edition of the Sustainability Report is online

Our fifth sustainability report is a document that represents a transparent report, created according to a model that aims to highlight the high quality of the relationships existing between our Group and its stakeholders, as part of a context that finds concreteness in the economic, social and environmental aspects. By publishing this new sustainability report, we would like to underline how this document has become, also from a cultural point of view, a significant moment because it describes how the results and initiatives are the result of teamwork. As for the previous editions, the new balance sheet will be available on our website as well as through a browsable version and a downloadable pdf version. Find out here!

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R domus: the new homedecor collection

On the occasion of the XXIX edition of Proposte, the Ratti Domus design office was inspired by nature inspired verses of Japanese haiku. The compositions, as well as new fabrics, appear simple at first sight, drawing strength from beauty and colours of the gardens in different seasons. After a period of darkness, this is a creativity reinterpretation, where nature is on the precipice of rebirth. Between linen and cotton, each print composes new chromatic values to form an exclusive vibrant range of colour. If haiku can be translated as “the colour of the verse,” the same is true for the colours of the new fabrics: bright red joins aqua green, while pink melts in orange among dense brushstrokes of purple as evidence of that richness. The ability to grasp the

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