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Ratti partner of Styleit

For Ratti, innovation takes place both in projects developed within the company and in a collaborative way with companies, universities and research centres. Essential in this area is the constant monitoring, relationship and exchange with the fresh and young universe of start-ups, an inexhaustible mine of creativity, originality and new perspectives.

For this reason, Ratti has chosen to become a partner of Styleit, a startup accelerator that develops new technological solutions for the fashion market, launched by Cdp Venture Capital Sgr.

The Styleit project is aimed at startups that have developed innovative products or services for the fashion, luxury and lifestyle market, with particular reference to enabling technologies for the sectors of environmental sustainability applied to production processes and the distribution chain, artificial intelligence, upcycling, the Metaverse, e-commerce, blockchain, mixed or augmented reality.

For more information click HERE