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Sergio Tamborini is the new Sistema Moda Italia President

Sergio Tamborini SMI
During the Sistema Moda Italia Shareholders’ Meeting, held exclusively in digital form on September 29th, Sergio Tamborini, CEO of our Group, was elected President for the period 2021-2025. Sergio Tamborini follows Marino Vago, A.D. of Vago Spa which led the association through the pandemic period.

The new President, after a greeting from the Past-President and an outlook on the past activity, presented the team of entrepreneurs who will support him in the strategies of the different focus areas. The President will keep the delegation for Industrial Policy, while the entrepreneurs with the qualification of Vice Presidents are:

  • Ercole Botto Poala – Successori Reda Spa – Fairs, Markets and Digitization area
  • Gianluca Brenna – Stamperia di Lipomo Spa – Welfare area
  • Andrea Crespi – Eurojersey Spa – Sustainability area
  • Davide Favrin – Marzotto Spa – Internationalization area
  • Roberto Grassi – Alfredo Grassi Spa – Technology Centres area
  • Massimo Marchi – Marchi & Fildi Spa – Research & Innovation area
  • Alberto Paccanelli – Martinelli Ginetto Spa – Europe area
  • Carlo Palmieri – Inticom Spa – Central South Italy area

    Of course, the outgoing president Marino Vago will also be part of the team. The new President will have the task of addressing the recovery of the T&A sector after the pandemic and its heavy consequences. In his keynote speech, Mr. Tamborini highlighted unity as a fundamental asset of his mandate. This will be the decisive element for the recovery of the entire supply chain and the companies that make it up. The pandemic has not changed elements and scenarios, which were already present in the sector, it has actually accelerated changes that were already on the horizon.

    The challenges of restarting can be overcome if the whole sector and its institutional representatives and intermediate bodies move in the same direction, “making a system” more and more concretely. Greater direct involvement of the territories in the national association will allow for a more fruitful exchange of skills and specific needs.

    It will be even more necessary to improve the perception of such an important sector for the trade balance of our country, which is still perceived by national institutions not as a primary one, as it is in reality. Confindustria Moda, of which SMI is one of the main players, is born with the aim of a single large representation of fashion, which in the future will have to grow in authority. SMI is also an important partner in Euratex, (the European textile association) which will acquire ever greater importance, due to its strategic presence in Brussels and at EU institutions. The national association will increasingly be the place for shared thought and discussion, and then proceed in a clear and unanimous direction.