Page 129 - Ratti_bilancio di sostenibilità_2022_EN
P. 129

Ratti Group | Sustainability Report 2022

                                                                        RATTI SPA BENEFIT  COMPANY
                            (U.M. m)
                                                               2022          2021          2020   Δ% 2022 on 2021
        Tot. printed fabrics, excluding samples              2,899,985     3,072,144    2,661,403        -5.60%
          of which 100% renewable articles                   1,848,674       N/D           N/D            N/D
          of which mixed renewable articles (with renewable fibre composition ≥ 50%)    657,820  N/D  N/D  N/D
          of which renewable articles (with renewable fibre composition < 50%) and   393,491  N/D  N/D    N/D
          non-renewable articles
        Percentage of 100%-renewable articles of total metres of printed fabric  63.75%  N/D  N/D         N/D
        Percentage of mixed renewable articles (with renewable fibre composition ≥   22.68%  N/D  N/D     N/D
        50%) of total metres of printed fabric
        Percentage of renewable articles (with renewable fibre composition < 50%) of   13.57%  N/D  N/D   N/D
        total printed fabric
        Total for fabrics printed at the Italian site at Guanzate, excluding printing on samples (61,381 metres out of a total of 2,961,366 metres). The data for Ratti SpA BC compared with the total for the Group was
        collected for the first time for the 2022 DNF. The Group is committed to continue its current level of monitoring of this information so it can provide a full overview every year.

                                 GRI 301-1 MATERIALS USED BY THE RATTI GROUP AND BY RATTI SPA BC

                        FABRIC PRODUCED                                      RATTI GROUP
                            (U.M. m)
                                                               2022          2021          2020   Δ% 2022 on 2021
        Tot. fabric produced                                 3,266,160    3,370,380     2,942,174      -3.09%

        “Metres of fabric produced” represents the total fabric produced internally at the sites in Italy and Romania, excluding printing outsourced to third parties and including printing for samples. Since the 2021
        DNF it has been decided to use this data in the calculation of indices, which means also including metres of samples which, until the 2020 DNF, had been excluded from the calculation of the relative indices.
        It was also decided that the previous indicators should be recalculated. This data is used as a denominator in the tables which follow – for the Ratti Group – in the calculation of relative consumption, so that
        the absolute data for packaging materials, energy and water consumption, and waste can be related to the quantity of material produced by the Group in the year in question.

                         FABRIC PRODUCED                                RATTI SPA BENEFIT  COMPANY
                            (U.M. m)
                                                               2022          2021          2020   Δ% 2022 on 2021
        Tot. fabric produced                                 2,961,366     3,125,452    2,700,876       -5.25%

        “Metres of fabric produced” represents the total fabric produced internally at the site in Guanzate (Italy), including printing for samples. Since the 2021 DNF it has been decided to use this data in the
        calculation of indices, which means also including metres of samples which, until the 2020 DNF, had been excluded from the calculation of the relative indices. It was also decided that the previous
        indicators should be recalculated. This data is used as a denominator in the tables which follow in the calculation of relative consumption, so that the absolute data for packaging materials, energy and water
        consumption, and waste can be related to the quantity of material produced by Ratti SpA BC in the year in question.


                        TESSUTI RICICLATI                                    RATTI GROUP
                            (U.M. m)
                                                               2022          2021          2020   Δ% 2022 on 2021
        Tot. printed fabric, excluding samples               3,367,333    3,527,222     3,011,451      -4.53%
          of which recycled articles                         444,034         N/D           N/D           N/D
        Percentage of recycled articles of total metres of printed fabric  13.19%  N/D     N/D           N/D
        Total for recycled fabrics printed at sites in Italy and Romania, including fabrics outsourced to third parties. The percentage is calculated as the proportion of recyclable articles of total metres of printed
        fabric, excluding printing for samples. The category of recycled articles includes GRS and RCS-certified fabric, as well as New Life, Econyl and Qnova. The indicator GRI 301-2 was applied for the first time for
        DNF 2022. The Group is committed to continue its current level of monitoring of this information so it can provide a full overview every year.

                        RECYCLED FABRIC                                 RATTI SPA BENEFIT  COMPANY
                           (U.M. m)
                                                               2022          2021         2020   Δ% 2022 on 2021
        Tot. printed fabrics, excluding samples             2,899,985     3,072,144     2,661,403      -5.60%
          of which recycled articles                         196,177         N/D          N/D           N/D
        Percentage of recycled articles of total metres of printed fabric  6.76%  N/D     N/D           N/D

        Total recycled fabrics printed at the Guanzate site in Italy. The percentage is calculated as the proportion of recyclable articles of total metres of printed fabric, excluding printing for samples. The indicator
        GRI 301-2 was applied for the first time for DNF 2022. The Group is committed to continue its current level of monitoring of this information so it can provide a full overview every year.

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