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Ratti Group | Sustainability Report 2022


                               Objectives and results 2022, Objectives 2023

                               Goal 1
                               Seeking to create and spread a culture of attention to the environment, emphasising the use of sources
                               and methods of sustainable and aware production.

          AREA         MATERIAL TOPICS GRI    CONTEXT              OBJECTIVE 2022        RESULT 2022

          SUPPLIERS    308 - Supplier environmental  Social and environmental audit of   7 suppliers of raw materials/contrac-  Carrying out prearranged audits as
                        assessment            own supply chain.    tors audited by 31.12.2022.  an objective in 2022 .
                       414 - Supplier social assessment

          AREA         MATERIAL TOPICS GRI     CONTEXT                         OBJECTIVE 2023

          SUPPLIERS    308 - Supplier environmental assessment  In Ratti SpA BC’s suppliers’ portal, which will be   Producing the questionnaire and adding it to
                                               developed in 2023, an ESG questionnaire will be added   the suppliers’ portal so that it is ready for online
                       414 - Supplier social assessment
                                               which the supplier will have to complete  online. The   compilation.
                       408 - Fighting against child labour  questionnaire is the basis for the socio-environmental
                                               evaluation of the supplier.
                       409 - Fighting against forced or
                       compulsory labour

                               Goal 2
                               Promoting, also in partnership with other entities, the development and commercialisation of textile
                               products which can ensure that resources are used responsibly.

          AREA        MATERIAL TOPICS GRI     CONTEXT              OBJECTIVE 2022        RESULT 2022

          PRODUCT OFFER   301 - Materials     Ratti SpA BC’s product offer   Obtaining certification for RAF   RAF certification awarded.
                                              consists of certified products and   (Responsible Animal Fibers) wool
                                              sustainable brands.  products.

          AREA         MATERIAL TOPICS GRI     CONTEXT                          OBJECTIVE 2023

          PRODUCT OFFER   301 - Materials      Ratti SpA BC’s product offer consists of certified products   Obtaining certification for European Flax.
                                               and sustainable brands.

          PRODUCT      301 - Materials         Ratti SpA CB has an internal laboratory which carries   Obtaining accreditation for the following tests:
          COMPLIANCE                           out tests and assessments of product performance. A
                                               laboratory may be accredited for a specific set of tests in   - Fastness of colour to sweat
                                               accordance with ISO/IEC 17025.    (UNI EN ISO 105-E04)
                                                                                 - Fastness of colour to water
                                                                                 (UNI EN ISO 105-E01)
                                                                                 -  Fastness of colour to rubbing
                                                                                 (UNI EN ISO 015-X12)
                                                                                 - Determining the pH of water extract
                                                                                 (UNI EN ISO 3071)

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