Page 114 - Ratti_bilancio di sostenibilità_2022_EN
P. 114

Methodological note

            the questionnaire. Employees were involved   eco-sustainable activities. The Taxonomy is an
            indirectly, through the compilation of the same   important piece of legislation which makes it
            questionnaire by the Group’s Head of Human   possible to increase sustainable investment
            Resources.                                and, therefore, implement the European Green
                                                      Deal. It applies to all companies subject to
            The following tables show:                Directive 2014/95/EU with regard to reporting
            - the principal categories of stakeholder;  non-financial information (also known as the
            - the scope of the involvement;           Non-Financial Reporting Directive – NFRD), as
            - the principle initiatives to establish dialogue   well as companies subject to the Corporate
            during the year.                          Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The
            Involving the stakeholders has allowed the Ratti   companies are obliged to provide further details
            Group to establish a productive dialogue as well   (capital expenditure (capex) and operational
            as relationships involving solid cooperation, in   expenditure (opex)) of economic activities that
            which no critical issues are reported.    are classified as sustainable, in response to six
                                                      environmental objectives.
                                                      The following objectives are set by the
            The European Taxonomy                     Taxonomy:
            In addition to the provisions of Legislative Decree
            254/2016, the Ratti Group has also taken into   1.  mitigation of climate change;
            consideration the European Taxonomy, as set   2.  adaptation to climate change;
            out in Regulation (EU) 2020/852 and which came   3.  sustainable use and protection of water and
            into force on 12 July 2020, in order to define   marine resources;

                           Table 11 – List of the main dialogue initiatives with stakeholders and the key topics discussed


             Industrial shareholder (Marzotto Group)  Belonging to the same corporate group  Joint working groups

             Employees and partners    Labour force acquisition        Internal communication via email, noticeboards, welcome ma-
                                                                       nual for new-hires and the company intranet.

             Competitors               The dynamics of fair competition in the market  Participation in regional round table meetings and trade asso-

             Suppliers and subcontractors  Acquisition  of  raw  materials,  semi-finished   Sales meetings and company visits; audits in accordance with
                                       products and manufacturing      SA8000;
                                                                       requests to fill in questionnaires; joint projects on topics specifi-
                                                                       cally linked to sustainability.

             Customers and licensors   Sales and distribution of fabrics and finished   Sharing and providing information on Ratti’s various sustainabi-
                                       products                        lity activities through newsletters and social channels;
                                                                       presenting  the  Group’s  sustainable  activities  through  direct
                                                                       meetings with customers or in video conferences;
                                                                       joint participation in workshops and round tables;
                                                                       presenting  the  product’s  sustainable  offer  through  the  col-
                                                                       lections, the Tessuteca and sustainable textiles.

             Schools and universities  Supporting  training  and  attracting  strategic   Work-school alternation programmes;
                                       competences                     training programmes with possible recruitment by Ratti at the
                                                                       end of the process.

             Local community           Supporting and transferring value to the local
                                       community                       Partnerships which plan and implement projects in support of
                                                                       the disadvantaged which promote culture, thanks to links with
                                                                       the Antionio Ratti Foundation.

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