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Ratti Group | Sustainability Report 2022
There now follows a list of the material themes Stakeholders and the process of
which give expression to the above-mentioned involvement
impacts. Where appropriate, and to make the Ratti’s long-term strategies and action plans
document easier to read, some groupings have are also defined with the goal of meeting the
been proposed for impacts associated with expectations of the various stakeholders, with
only one theme (see “Responsible management whom Ratti launched a number of initiatives
of the supply chain” and “Reduction of involving debate and dialogue in 2022.
environmental impacts”).
The Group’s key stakeholders were identified
The following table shows the 12 themes which by the heads of the various corporate functions
are material for the Ratti Group. during the drafting of the Sustainability Report
containing the DNF in 2017, and were reconfirmed
The list of significant impacts and associated during the 2022 process of involving stakeholders.
material themes reported here has been validated Suppliers and customers were involved directly
by Ratti managers and the CEO of the Group. in the 2022 materiality analysis by filling in
Table 11 – List of the main dialogue initiatives with stakeholders and the key topics discussed
Economic performance 201 - Economic performance Ratti Group Caused by the Group
204 – Procurement; Caused by the Group
Responsible management of the Ratti Group, suppliers
supply chain 308 - Supplier environmental assessment; and directly related to its
414 – Supplier social assessment activities
Fight against corruption 205 – Anti-corruption Ratti Group Caused by the Group
301 – Materials Caused by the Group
302 - Energy Ratti Group, suppliers,
Reduction of environmental impacts and directly related to its
305 - Emissions customers activities
306 - Material waste
Caused by the Group
Ratti Group, suppliers,
Chemical management 303 - Water and directly related to its
Training and growth of talented 401 - Employment
Ratti Group Caused by the Group
employees 404 - Training
Caused by the Group
Ratti Group, suppliers,
Health and safety of employees 403 - Occupational health and safety and directly related to its
non-employed workers
Caused by the Group
Safeguarding diversity and equal Ratti Group
opportunities 405 - Diversity and equal opportunities and directly related to its
408 - Fighting against child labour Caused by the Group
Safeguarding human rights 409 - Fighting against forced or compulsory labour Ratti Group, suppliers and directly related to its
414 - Supplier social assessment activities
Safeguarding intellectual property - Ratti Group, customers Caused by the Group
Innovation - Ratti Group Caused by the Group
Support for the local community - Ratti Group Caused by the Group