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Ratti Group | Sustainability Report 2022

                                                                        customers are used to make items of clothing
                                                                        which, in turn, having been purchased by the end-
           EPR: a tool to render the textile/fashion sector more        consumer and having reached the end of their life
           circular                                                     cycle, produce textile waste.
                                                                        According to “The Italy that recycles”, 2021
           One powerful circularity tool is   Textiles, published by the European   edition, a study carried out by the Foundation for
           Extended Producer Responsibility   Commission in March 2022, further   Sustainable Development  , the destination of
           (EPR), whereby producers’   enhanced EPR. Ratti has, for some   post-consumption textile waste collected on the
           responsibilities extend to managing   time, been carrying out studies   national market breaks down as follows:
           the end of life of products which   and investigations on the topic, in
           they themselves launched on the   partnership with other companies.   -  68% of waste from garments and accessories
           national market. In EPR, producers –   These activities came to a positive   is destined to form part of preparation for
                                                                          reuse in cycles of consumption;
           i.e. companies in the textile/fashion   conclusion and, in 2022, Ratti and a
           sector – come together to organise   number of other companies set up the   -  29% is sent for recycling (production of
           and finance the collection, selection   Retex Green consortium, which dealt   industrial cloths, secondary raw materials for
           and treatment of textile waste. The   with the recycling of textile waste and   the textile industry, lining, sound-absorbing
           Strategy for Sustainable and Circular   the circularity of the supply chain.  material);
                                                                        -  3% is sent for disposal.

                                                                        Collaborative projects
                                                                        Any improvement in the management of textile
                                                                        waste depends mainly on the conditions in the
                                                                        system (such as the presence of plant in the local
                                                                        region, consortia dealing with collection and
                                                                        treatment of waste, as well as the responsibility
                                                                        taken by producers) that can be created by the
                                                                        implementation of EPR and the development of
                                                                        recycling chains.

                                                                        In addition, Ratti SpA BC took part in the Rehubs
                                                                        partnership project promoted by Euratex, the
                                                                        European Confederation of textile and clothing
                                                                        companies. The Rehubs project was a partnership
                                                                        of around 20 European companies, including
                                                                        Ratti, supported by McKinsey Consultants, which
                                                                        contributed to and financed a feasibility study into
                                                                        the development of technologies used to recycle
                                                                        textiles. In Europe, seven million tons of textile
                                                                        waste, of which 30-35% was collected, required
                                                                        the scaling of technology and an increase in the
                                                                        number of recycling plants, close cooperation
                                                                        between companies and public-private
                                                                        partnership. The benefit of the Rehubs (recycling
                                                                        hubs) project was recognised by the ITMF
                                                                        (International Textile Manufacturers Federation).
                                                                        At the Federation’s annual conference, held in
                                                                        September at Davos, Switzerland, the project was
                                                                        amongst the winners of the 2022 ITMF Cooperation
                                                                        Award. The award was given to companies
                                                                        which had contributed to the project, including
                                                                        Ratti. The Rehubs project will continue with the
                                                                        implementation of the findings of the study.
        3) https://www.
        wp-content/uploads/ITALIA_DEL_                                  As far as preventing waste is concerned, Ratti
        RICICLO_2021_web.pdf                                            SpA BC is working with Siticibo on the collection

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