Page 135 - Ratti_bilancio di sostenibilità_2022_EN
P. 135

Ratti Group | Sustainability Report 2022

                                                                          RATTI SPA BENEFIT  COMPANY
                              U.M. M 3
                                                                   2022        2021         2020  Δ% 2022 on 2021
                               Tot. water withdrawal              47,648      45,365       46,983       5.03%
                               Tot. water consumption over total metres of   0.01471  0.01357  0.01615  8.40%
                               fabric produced (m /m)
                               Change in water storage               0         N/D          N/D         N/D
                               Water storage at the beginning of the   300     N/D          N/D          N/D
        WATER STORAGE          reporting period
                               Water storage at the end of the reporting   300  N/D         N/D          N/D

        The Guanzate site is situated in areas with a water stress < 10% (according to data provided by the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas).
        The figure for water consumption, seen as the difference between water drawn and water discharged, is > 0, given that some of the water is introduced into the production cycle and then “consumed”
        because of a number of factors: natural evaporation within the processes, evaporation in cooling towers, dispersion in the water environment (e.g. humidification during weaving, irrigation). The data for Ratti
        SpA BC coincides with that for the Group, given that water consumption is only associated with the Guanzate site.
        Data for water storage was gathered for the first time for the 2022 DNF. The Group is committed to continue its current level of monitoring of this information so it can provide a full overview every year. For
        Ratti SpA BC the data of water storage is estimated.


                          GRI 305-1, 305-2 DIRECT AND INDIRECT EMISSIONS OF THE GROUP (SCOPE 1 AND SCOPE 2)

                        CO  EMISSIONS                                     RATTI GROUP
                        (U.M. tCO2e)
                                                          2022             2021             2020  Δ% 2022 on 2021
        SCOPE 1 - DIRECT ENERGY EMISSIONS                 6,640            7,001            5,883      -5.16%

        from consumption of methane gas                   6,296            6,691            5,700      -5.90%
        from emission of refrigerant gas from air conditioning equipment  134  105           19        27.27%
        from company car fleet – consumption of diesel cars  183            193              160       -5.27%
        from company car fleet – consumption of petrol cars  27              12               4        116.65%

        Location-based                                    2,314            2,321            2,212      -0.31%
        from electricity bought for offices and factories
        Market-based                                       113              104              129       8.00%
        from electricity bought for offices and factories
        Tot. SCOPE 1 and SCOPE 2                          8,954            9,322            8,095      -3.95%
        Location-based emissions

        Tot. SCOPE 1 and SCOPE 2 location-based          0.00274         0.00277          0.00275      -0.89%
        emissions over metres of fabric produced (tCO2e/m)
        Emissions avoided thanks to the photovoltaic system in Ratti SpA BC  376  367        305        2.30%
        Emissions avoided thanks to the photovoltaic system in Creomoda  35  29              10        19.77%
        Tot. emissions avoided thanks to the photovoltaic system  411       396              315        3.72%

        Emissions avoided by purchasing energy with a Guarantee   2,201    2,214            2,087      -0.58%
        of Origin in Ratti SpA BC
        To calculate SCOPE 1 equivalent tons of Co2, the transformation coefficients were updated. This made it possible to align the sources and, in all cases, use the values reported by DEFRA (Department for
        Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) of the government of the United Kingdom. In particular, to calculate CO2 emissions from the vehicle fleet, starting from the 2021 data the Ratti Group has decided to use
        the DEFRA figure, no longer starting from the total number of km driven by the Group’s cars, but instead from litres of fuel – separately with the related coefficient for gasoline and diesel cars – consumed
        during the reporting year. This will make the reported data more accurate and reliable.
        The calculation of electricity emissions using the location-based method is based on emission factors published by Terna SpA, while the market-based method calculates emissions based on emission
        factors published by the Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB).

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